Sunday, July 12, 2020

Happy Earthly 20th birthday, Adhu!

Adityakiran - 12th July 2000 to 6th March 2015

Today, when I opened my eyes, I saw you
in a little bundle with a pink face; 
Your tiny little fingers wiggled at me
and your black eyes melted my heart;
When I held you close to my chest,
I felt that inseparable bond of love
The love between a mother and her child
Love made in the heavens 
Love present in the seven seas
Love that did not have any boundaries and conditions.

Twenty years after you appeared in this world
And five years since you left
We still celebrate the mark that you left behind -
Your birthday on earth 
Your life that you generously shared with us.

Happy Earthly birthday, Adhu
Love you from earth to heaven

Thanks to AI

Adityakiran (12th July 2000 to 6th March 2015) One thing I love about technology  It brings back your loved ones  In the way you want to see...